Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Home Task Archive of Pre-Intermediate Morning Group

Home Task of 02.06.11
Student's Book: Revise all the Files of the manual.
Workbook: Do all the exercises.

Make the exercises of all the Files (click on Grammar, Vocabulary etc.) and check your knowledge of our Pre-Intermediate course.
File Tests and keys: If you would like to get ready for your exam you may pass the B file tests (you can choose and download them here)  and check yourself with the help of the keys (you can find them here).

Home Task of 31.05.11
Student's Book: Page103, 4 Pronunciation (a) + Compose the Poem using the rhymes from this exercise (Сочинить стих, используя зарифмованные слова из данного упражнения)
Workbook: Complete all the exercises till the end.
Progress Test: Download the Progress Test 5-9 as a doc or pdf file. Complete the Answer Sheet. For Listening use these audio files: 1, 2
Please, bring the whole test to our next class.

Home Task of 26.05.11
Student's Book: Page 100-101, 1 Speaking and Reading (b);
Page 101, 4 Vocabulary (c)
Page 102, 1 Speaking and Listening (a, b)
1. Download Quicktest 8 as a doc or pdf file. Complete the Answer Sheet.

2. Download File Test 8 as a doc or pdf file. Use these audio files for Listening: 1, 2. Complete the Answer Sheet.
Please, bring to class the last page of the File Test (Speaking).

Home Task of 24.05.11
Student's Book: Page 97, All +Writing
Page 98, Complete the test.
Page 99, "Can you understand this text", Read and make the exercises
WorkBook: Till Page 74
Work Sheet: Complete the task.

Home Task of 17.05.11
Quicktest (previous task): Download this pdf or doc file. Complete this Answer Sheet.
File test (previous task): Download this pdf or doc file. Complete this Answer Sheet.
 Student's Book: Page 93, 3 Reading (a, b)
Page 94, 1 Listening (a, b, c, d) the audio file is here 8.9
Page 95, 3 Reading and Vocabulary (a, b, c); 5 Speaking (a)
Worksheets: Complete the tasks from the worksheets below:

Home Task of 17.05.11
Quicktest (previous task): Download this pdf or doc file. Complete this Answer Sheet.
File test (previous task): Download this pdf or doc file. Complete this Answer Sheet.
 Student's Book: Page 90, 1 Reading (a, b, c)
Page 91, 4 Speaking (c, d)
Workbook: Till Page 70.
Worksheets: Complete the tasks from the worksheets below:

Home Task of 12.05.11
Quicktest (previous task): Download this pdf or doc file. Complete this Answer Sheet.
File test: Download this pdf or doc file. Complete this Answer Sheet.
Student's Book: Page 88, Exercise 1 (a, b, e)
Page 89, Exercise 5

Home Task of 10.05.11
File 7 Audio: You can find all the audio files here.
Student's Book: Page 84. All. (or MultiRom: File 7)
Student's Book (previous task):
Page 83, Exercise 3 (a, b)
Page 85, All + to make the Writing task
Page 86-87, All
Quicktest: Download this pdf or doc file. Complete this Answer Sheet.
Worksheet: Complete this worksheet with your answers.


Home Task of 28.04.11
File 7 Audio: You can find all the audio files here.
Student's Book: Page 82, Exercise 1 (a, b, c, d); Exercise 2 (a, b)
Page 83, Exercise 3 (a, b)
Page 85, All + to make the Writing task
Page 86-87, All 
Workbook: Exercises of File 7.

Home Task of 26.04.11
Student's Book: Page 79, 4 Speaking (a)
Page 80, 1 Reading (a, b, c); 2 Grammar (a)
Page 81, 5 Vocabulary (a)
Workbook: All the exercises till Page 61.

Home Task of 21.04.11
Student's Book: Page 77, 5 Speaking;
Page 78, 1 Vocabulary and Pronunciation (a, c); 2 Reading and Speaking (a, b, c, d); 3 Grammar (a);
Page 79, 4 Speaking (a)

Home Task of 19.04.11
File Test: Download the test as a doc or pdf file. Complete the Answer Sheet
Make the Writing Task on the back side of your Answer Sheet.
For Listening use these audio files: 1, 2
Bring the Speaking part of File Test in class.
Workbook: Page 56, "More Words to Learn" - Compose a small story with all these words. + Question Time: Give these people advice.
Student's Book: Page 76, 1 Reading and Vocabulary (a, b, c, d); 2 Grammar (a, b, c)
Page 77, 5 Speaking.

Home Task of 14.04.11
Student's Book: Page 75, All we did not do. 
Workbook: Make all the exercises till Page 57.
Quicktest: Download the test as a doc or pdf file. Complete the Answer Sheet.

Home Task of 12.04.11
Student's Book: Page 73, Complete all the tasks and write an e-mail
Page 74, Complete the test
Page 75, Read the Text and do the exercise of "Can you understand this text" (a, b)
MultiRom: Watch the Video and do the exercises of File 6.

Home Task of 07.04.11
Student's Book: Page 69, 5 Vocabulary (c)
Page 70, 1 Listening and Reading (a, b, c, d). Use this audio file: 6.11
Page 71, 4 Writing and Speaking (a, b) Make this task in writing.
Workbook: Make all the exercises till Page 54.

Home Task of 05.04.11
Student's Book: Page 67, 4 Vocabulary (a), 5 Speaking
Page 68, 1 Speaking (a, b)
Page 69, 4 Reading (a, b, c), 5 Vocabulary (a, c)

Home Task of 31.03.11
Student's Book: Page 66, 1 Speaking and Listening (a); 2 Grammar (a)
Page 67, 6 Reading (b, c); 5 Speaking
Quicktest: Download this pdf or doc file. Complete this Answer Sheet.
File Test (to be handed in next week): Download this pdf or doc file. Complete this Answer Sheet. Use these audio files: 1, 2. Do not forget to make the writing task!

Home Task of 29.03.11
Student's Book: Page 64, Exercise 1 (a, b)
Page 64-65, Exercise 3 (a,b,c,d)
Quicktest: Download this pdf or doc file. Complete this Answer Sheet.
File Test (to be handed in next week): Download this pdf or doc file. Complete this Answer Sheet. Use these audio files: 1, 2. Do not forget to make the writing task!

Home Task of 24.03.11
Student's Book: Page 59, 5 Song (learn by heart) 5.11
Page 61, All including the writing.
Page 62, Complete the test.
Page 63, Can you understand the text (a, b)
MultiRom: All the task of File 5

Home Task of 22.03.11
Student's Book: Page 56-57, All we did not do in class.
Page 58, 1 Vocabulary and Speaking (a, c, d, e, f); 2 Grammar (a, c)
Page 59, 4 Reading and Speaking (a, b, c, d)
Progress Test: pdf
Answer sheet
audio file 1
audio file 2

Home Task of 17.03.11
Student's Book: Page 55, 4 Vocabulary (b) Compose 10 sentences using the highlighted words.
5 Listening (a, b, c, d). Use this audio file: 5.5.
Page 56, 1 Grammar (a, b, c)
Page 56-57, 3 Reading (a, b)
Page 57, 4 Speaking (a, b)
Progress Test: Make the corrections of mistakes in writing and bring your Progress Test and your corrections to next classes.

Home Task of 15.03.11
Student's Book: Page 54, 1 Reading (a, b, c + compose 5 sentences with new words of this text). Retell the text.
2 Grammar (a, b)

Home Task of 10.03.11
Student's Book: Page 52-53, All we did not do in class. Use these audio files: 5.1, 5.2

Tests (previous task): 1. Quicktest. Download the Quicktest of File 4 as a pdf or doc file. Complete the Answer Sheet.

2. File Test. Download the File 4 Test as a pdf or doc file. Complete the Answer Sheet.

Do not forget to complete the Writing Exercise (you can hand it in in a separate paper or in the back side of your answer sheet).
For Listening use these audio files: File 4 Listening 1, File 4 Listening 2

Home Task of 03.03.11
Student's Book: Page 51, All we did not do in class.

Tests: 1. Quicktest. Download the Quicktest of File 4 as a pdf or doc file. Complete the Answer Sheet.

2. File Test. Download the File 4 Test as a pdf or doc file. Complete the Answer Sheet.

Do not forget to complete the Writing Exercise (you can hand it in in a separate paper or in the back side of your answer sheet).
For Listening use these audio files: File 4 Listening 1, File 4 Listening 2

Home Task of 01.02.11
Student's Book: Page 47, The task you received in class. (If you were absent, feel free to contact me to get this task)
Page 49, All + Write a city description
MultiROM: Make the exercises related to File 4. Watch the videos and complete the Grammar tasks.

Home Task of 24.02.11
Student's Book: Page 46-47, 1 Reading and Listening (a, b) - Retell the text.
Page 47, 4 Pronunciation (a)
Workbook: Till Page 36.
Worksheet: Complete the tasks of this worksheet:

Home Task of 22.02.11
File test (previous task): Download and make this File Test: pdf file or doc file, complete this Answer Sheet. Use these audio files: File 3, Listening 1, File 3, Listening 2

Student's Book: Page 44-45, 3 Vocabulary (a, b, c) - Retell the text.
Page 45, "Are you living faster...?" - Read and answer the questions.
Worksheet: Complete the tasks of this worksheet:

Home Task of 17.02.11

File test: Download and make this File Test: pdf file or doc file, complete this Answer Sheet. Use these audio files: File 3, Listening 1, File 3, Listening 2

Student's Book: Page 42, 1 Vocabulary (a),
Page 43, 4 Reading (a, b, c, d, e)
Page 40, 6 Song. Use this audio file: 4.3, complete the tasks of this worksheet:

Home Task of 15.02.11
QuickTest: Download and make this quicktest: pdf file or doc file, complete this Answer Sheet.
File test: Download and make this File Test: pdf file or doc file, complete this Answer Sheet. Use these audio files: File 3, Listening 1, File 3, Listening 2

Student's Book: Page 40, 1 Reading and Vocabulary (a, b, c, d).
Audio files: All the audio files of File 3 are here.

Home Task of 10.02.11
MultiRom: Watch Video 3 of the MultiROM attached to your Workbook. Make the other exercises of File 3.
Student's Book: Page 37-39, Write a letter and complete all the exercises + the test.Use these audio files:  3.20; 3.21
Workbook: Complete the exercises till Page 29
 Song: Learn the song of the previous lesson by heart or any other song or poem of your choice. (Выучить наизусть песню прошлого урока или любую другую песню ли стих на выбор.)

Home Task of 08.02.11
Student's Book: Page 34, 1 Reading&Listening (a, b, c, d), use this audio file: 3.12;
Workbook: Complete the exercises till Page 27.

Worksheet: Make all the exercises of the worksheet below. Learn this song by heart. Use this audio file: 3.11

Home Task of 03.02.11
Student's Book: Page 31, 4 Listening (d, e), use these files: 3.7, 3.8; 5 Speaking (a, b)
Page 32, 1 Reading (a, b)
Page 33, 3 Grammar (a, b, c)

Worksheets: Complete the tasks of these worksheets.

Home Task of 01.02.11
Student's Book: Page 30, 1 Grammar (a, b); 2 Vocabulary (a, b)
Worksheets: Complete the tasks of these worksheets. In the Communicative worksheet write down the information about yourself, e. g.: "I am not going out tonight because I am going to study English."

Home Task of 27.01.11
Student's Book: Pages 28-29, 1 Reading (a, b, c); 3 Listening (a, b) + write down the corrections of false sentences, you may need this audio file 3.1 and also Page 120 of your Student's Book; 4 Vocabulary (a, b, c); 6 Speaking (a)

Test (if you didn't do it before): Download and make the test pdf file or doc file, complete this Answer Sheet.
Use these audio files: 1 , 2.

Workbook: You are supposed to complete all the exercises till page 23.

Home Task of 25.01.11
Worksheets: Make the exercises of the worksheets you received in class. Learn by heart (Выучить наизусть) the first dialogue of 2A and the third dialogue of 1C. The worksheets can be found here. 

Test: Download and make the test pdf file or doc file, complete this Answer Sheet.

If you made Test Listening exercises in class, so you only have to write down your answers in the Answer Sheet. (Please, specify your task option (A or B) in your Answer Sheet). If you were absent, complete Listening exercises at home using these audio files: 1 , 2.

Bring Test Speaking exercises in class.

Workbook: You are supposed to complete all the exercises till page 21.

Home Task of 20.01.11

Student's Book: Page 25, Do all. Read, compete the exercises, write about your favourite photo.
Page 27, Do all. You have to use these file 2.21 and 2.22.
Test: Download and make the test pdf file or doc file, complete this Answer Sheet

Home Task of 18.01.11

Student's Book: Page 22-23 All the exercises we did not do in class.
The audio files you may need are here.
Retell the story of Hannah and Jamie using 2.11 and 2.15 audio file.
Page 23, 3 Vocabulary (a, b) + Make 5 sentences using the words from the exercise.

Page 24, "Checking in" Answer the questions using 2.16
"Calling Reception" - Guess the missing words in the dialogue
"Social English" - Complete the exercises using 2.19, 2.20
MultiRom (the CD disk attached to your Workbook): Grammar Quizzes -> File 2 (make the exercise)
Vocabulary bank -> Personal adjective (hide the words and make the exercise)
Practical English -> File 2 (watch the video and make the exercise)
Workbook: You are supposed to complete all the exercises till page 21.

Home Task of 14.01.11

Student's Book: Page 20, 2 Grammar (a, b)

Page 21, 5 Reading (a, b) Retell the text

Page 22, 1 Reading (a, b) Use this audio file: 2.11
Workbook: You are supposed to complete all the exercises till page 18.
Worksheet: Make the tasks of the worksheets you received in class.

Home Task of 11.01.11

Student's Book:  Page 19, 2 Reading&Listening (a, b, c, d); Use this audio file: 2.4
Page 20, 1 Vocabulary&Speaking (a, b, c)
Workbook: You are supposed to complete all the exercises till page 16.

Answer the question concerning this New Year Home Task.

Test: If you were absent last time: Download the doc file or the pdf file. Make the test and complete this Answer Sheet. You will need these audio files: 1, 2

Home Task of 28.12.10 (to be done till January 11th, 2011)

Student's Book:  Page 16-17 Complete all the exercises we did not do in class. 
The audio files are posted here.
Page 18, 1 Grammar (a, b, c)
Page 19, 2 Reading & Listening (b); 3 Vocabulary (a, b)

Test: If you were absent last time: Download the doc file or the pdf file. Make the test and complete this Answer Sheet. You will need these audio files: 1, 2

Extra Home Task: Read here.

Home Task of 23.12.10

Student's Book:  Page 14-15 Complete all the exercises we did not do in class. 
Revise your test. Re-listen the dialogues: 1.18, 1.19
Page 15 Retell the small texts.
Page 16, 1 Vocabulary (a, b)
Page 17, 2 Reading (a, b, c)
Workbook: You are supposed to make all the exercises till Page 12

Test: Download the doc file or the pdf file. Make the test and complete this Answer Sheet. You will need these audio files: 1, 2

Home Task of 21.12.10

Student's Book: Page 10, 2 Grammar (c)
Page 11, 5 Listening (b). If your usual place in class is on my right you are an A student and have to go to p.108, if you usually sit on my left you are a B student and have to go to p.112.
Page 13 Writing. Make all the exercises and write an e-mail.
Workbook: You are supposed to make all the exercises till Page 11
Song: Compete the task of the Song Worksheet you received on December 12. Use this audio file: 1.9
MultiROM: Watch Video 1 of the MultiROM attached to your Workbook. Make the exercises.

Grammar Manual: Make all the exercises of Unit 8. Print and bring Units 1-8.
Please, let me know your e-mail address by clicking button  so I can send your the link to this Grammar Manual.

Home Task of 16.12.10

Student's Book: Page 10, 2 Grammar (a, b, c)
Page 11, 3 Listening (a, b, c).
Use these audio files: 1.10
4 Vocabulary (a, b, c). Use this audio file: 1.13
Workbook: You are supposed to make all the exercises till Page 9

Worksheets: Complete the tasks of the Song Worksheet and Grammar Worksheet you received in class.
Grammar Manual: Please, let me know your e-mail address by clicking button  so I can send your the link to the Grammar Manual which we will use later.

Home Task of 14.12.10

Student's Book: Page 8, 3 Grammar (a)
Page 9, 5 Speaking (c)
Page 10, 1 Reading (a-c)
Workbook: You are supposed to make all the exercises till Page 9.
Worksheets: Complete the tasks of the Worksheets you received in class. Teacher's Book printed pages 141 and 185.

Home Task of 09.12.10

Student's Book: Page 6, Retell the text
Page 7, 6 Speaking (a, b)
Page 9, 5 Speaking (a)
Worksheets: Complete the tasks of the Worksheets you received in class.
Test: Complete the test here.

Home Task of 07.12.10

Student's Book: Page 5, 3 Grammar (b), 5 Classroom Language (b), 6 Pronunciation (a, b)
Page 6, 1 Vocabulary (a, b), 2 Reading (a-d)
Worksheets: Complete the tasks of the Worksheets you received in class.