Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 104, 1 Reading and Listening (a)
Workbook: Make the exercises till Page 66.
Worksheet: Make the translation from Russian into English.
Home Task of 24.02.11
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Student's Book: Page 79, 5 Listening (d) - get ready to answer the questions.
Page 80, 1 Reading (a, b, c).
Page 81, 5 Vocabulary (a).
Workbook: Complete all the exercises till Page 61
Home task of 22.02.2011
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Student's Book: Page 78, 1 Reading and Pronunciation (a, c); 2 Reading and Speaking (a, b, c, d)
Page 79, 4 Speaking (a, b).
File Test (previous task): Download and make this test. Complete this Answer Sheet.
You may need these audio files:
File 6 Listening 1,
File 6 Listening 2
Intermediate Level:
File Test (previous task): Download and complete the Test. Fill in this Answer Sheet.
Use these audio files: 1, 2
Student's Book: Page 102, 5 Reading (a, b, c, d)
Page 10, "How words work..."
Home task of 17.02.2011
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Student's Book: Page 76, 1 Reading and Vocabulary (a, b, c, d); 2 Grammar (a, b, c)
Page 77, 3 Listening (a, b). Use this audio file: 7.1
File Test: Download and make this test. Complete this Answer Sheet.
You may need these audio files:
File 6 Listening 1,
File 6 Listening 2
Intermediate Level:
File Test: Download and complete the Test. Fill in this Answer Sheet.
Use these audio files: 1, 2
Student's Book: Page 100, 1 Reading (Read the both articles: "Bad luck" and "Good luck")
Page 101, 4 Speaking (a, b, c)
Worksheet: Read the series of clues and write down the words of this Worksheet.
Home Task of 15.02.11
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Student's Book: Page 76-75, All you did not do before. Use these audio files: 6.19, 6.20. (All the recordings of File 6 may be found here.)
Quicktest: Download and make this test. Complete this Answer Sheet.
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 97, Complete the exercises and write a film review.
Page 98-99. All. Use these audio files: 6.15, 6.16. (All the recordings of File 6 may be found here.)
Cards: In class you received the cards with words and their definitions. Make sure you understand the words and add one more false definition. (If you missed the last class, just get ready to play the definition game next time.)
Worksheet: Read the series of clues and write down the words of this Worksheet.
Home Task of 10.02.11
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Student's Book: (previous task) Page 67, 7 Song - Learn the song lyrics by heart (Выучить слова песни наизусть!): 6.7, if you need lyrics, please .
Page 70, 1 Listening and Reading (d)
Page 71, 4 Writing. Write a short note.
Page 71, 5 Vocabulary (b, c)
Page 73-74, All except the task to write en e-mail.
MultiRom: Watch the video and complete the grammar exercises of File 6.
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 92, All we did not do in class.
Page 94, 3 Reading (a-e)
Pages 95, 6 Song 6.10, Complete the tasks of this worksheet:
MultiRom: Watch the video and complete the grammar exercises of File 6.
Home Task of 03.02.11
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Student's Book: Page 67, All. You will need these audio files: 6.6, 6.7 and one of the worksheets below.
Worksheet: Complete the tasks of these worksheets.
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Pages 86, All
Page 87, 6 Grammar (a, b)
Page 88, 1 Reading (a, b)
Workbook: Make the exercises till Page 56.
Home Task of 01.02.11
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
We begin at 16.30. Начинаем в 16.30.
Student's Book: Page 64-65, 2 Vocabulary (b); 3 Reading (a-e)
Worksheet: Complete the tasks of these worksheets. Also make the exercises of the worksheet you received in class. Please, feel free to contact me to get the soft copy of this worksheet.
Flashback: In class we will continue the review of File1.
Test (if you did not hand it in): Download the File 5 Test as pdf or doc file. Complete this answer sheet.
Bring it to next classes. Use these audio files: File 5 Listening 1, File 5 Listening 2
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Pages 85, 2 Vocabulary (a); 4 Speaking
Test: Download the File 5 Test as pdf or doc file. Complete this answer sheet.
Bring it to next classes. Use these audio files: File 5 Listening 1, File 5 Listening 2
Flashback: In class we will continue revising File1. Please, review Units 1A-1D. Complete the exercises of Unit 3 in Grammar in Use by Murphy (you received these exercises as a worksheet in class)
Home Task of 27.01.11
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Student's Book: Page 64, 1 Grammar (a, b)
Worksheet: You are supposed to complete the tasks of these worksheets.
Test: Download the File 5 Test as pdf or doc file. Complete this answer sheet.
Bring it to next classes. Use these audio files: File 5 Listening 1, File 5 Listening 2
Flashback: In class we will revise File1. Please, review Units 1A-1D at home and get ready to ask your questions and answer mine on the topics concerned.
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Pages 81-83, All we did not do in class. You may need these audio files: 5.22, 5.23
Test: I would like you to revise the topics of previous file (File 4). So, please, download the File 4 Test as pdf or doc file. Complete this answer sheet.
Bring it to next classes. Use these audio files: File 4 Listening 1, File 4 Listening 2
Flashback: In class we will revise File1. Please, review Units 1A-1C (Pages 4-15 of Student's Book) at home and get ready to ask your questions and answer mine concerning the topics.
Home Task of 25.01.11
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Please, note that your next class, as the previous one, begins at 16.30 and finishes at 18.30!
(Обратите внимание, что следующее занятие, как и предыдущее, начнется в 16.30 и закончится в 18.30!)
Student's Book: Page 62-63, All we did not do in class. Use these audio files: 5.17, 5.18.
Worksheet: You are supposed to complete all the task of this song. Please, bring it in class next time. Also complete the tasks of these worksheets.
Test: Make this test and complete this answer sheet.
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book:
Page 80-81, All.Use these audio files: 5.18, 5.19, 5.20, 5.21
MultiRom: Complete the grammar, vocabulary and practical tasks of File 5.
Home Task of 20.01.11
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Please, note that your next class begins at 16.30 and finishes at 18.30!
(Обратите внимание, что следующее занятие начнется в 16.30 и закончится в 18.30!)
Student's Book: Page 59, Retell the text,
Page 60, "Taking Something Back" and "Social English" - Guess the missing words in the dialogues and useful phrases. Please, try to do it without listening to the audio files but you can do MultiRom tasks before.
Page 61, All. Write a formal e-mail asking for information.
MultiRom (the CD attached to your Workbook): Grammar Quizzes -> File 5 (make the exercise)
Vocabulary bank -> at, in, on (hide the words and make the exercise)
Practical English -> File 5 (watch the video and make the exercise)
Workbook: Complete the exercises till Page 45.
Worksheets: Compete the tasks of the Worksheets you got in class. You can also download these worksheets here. Use this audio file as well: 5.11
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 77, 3 Grammar (a, b, c, d, e),
Page 78, 4 Reading (a, b, c)
Page 81, All. Complete the task in the box (lower right corner) in writing.
MultiRom: Complete the grammar, vocabulary and practical tasks of File 5.
Home Task of 18.01.11
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Student's Book: Page 56, 1 Grammar (all we did not do in class), 2 Pronunciation (c)
Page 57, 4 Speaking (a, b), 5 Vocabulary (a, b, c, d)
Page 59, 4 Reading&Speaking (a, b, c, d)
Workbook: Complete the exercises till Page 45.
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 75, 5 Speaking, 6 Vocabulary (b), 7 Song (ask me for the worksheet if you did not get it in class) The audio file you may need is here.
Page 76, 1 Vocabulary (a, b, c), 2 Pronunciation&Speaking (a)
English Grammar in Use by Murphy: Units 71, 72 - Read the rules, complete the exercises
Workbook: You are supposed to complete all the exercises till Page 49.
New Year Home Task: Maugham, "Luncheon" Exercises 1, 4, 6. (you were supposed to have already done it)
Home Task of 14.01.11
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Student's Book: Page 52, Text "How to survive at a party" - Retell the text
Page 57, Text "How much can you learn in a month" - Read and translate
Pages 52-53, All the exercises we did not do in class.
New Year Home Task: "How to..." Exercises 1, 2, 3 - Read, complete the exercises, learn the words.
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 72, All the exercises we did not complete in class.
Page 73, 3 Reading&Speaking (b, c, d) Retell the text.
Workbook: You are supposed to complete all the exercises till Page 49.
New Year Home Task: Maugham, "Luncheon" Exercises 1, 4, 6.
Home Task of 11.01.11
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Student's Book: Page 54, 1 Reading (c - Compose 5 sentences with unknown words), 2 Grammar (a, b, c)
Page 55, 4 Vocabulary&Speaking (a, b, c)
Page 56-57, 3 Reading&Listening (a, b) Retell the text.
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 70-71, 4 Reading (a, b, c, d, e) Retell the text.
Page 71, 5 Vocabulary (a), 6 Speaking (a, b)
I would like to inform you that next time you will complete some tasks concerning Reading part (Maugham, "Luncheon") of your New Year Extra Home Task.
Also next classes are going to be 20 minutes longer than usual.
Home Task of 28.12.10 (to be done till January 11th, 2011)
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Test: Download this test as a doc or pdf file. Complete this Answer Sheet. Use these audio files: 1, 2
Student's Book: Page 54, 1 Reading (a, b, c)
Extra Home Task: Read here.
Intermediate Level:
Test: If you were absent at last classes: Download this test as a doc or pdf file. Complete this Answer Sheet. Use these audio files: 1, 2
Student's Book: Page 67, Retell the text.
Page 68, 1 Grammar (a, b, с)
Extra Home Task: Read here.
Home Task of 23.12.10
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Test: Download this test as a doc or pdf file. Complete this Answer Sheet. Use these audio files: 1, 2
Student's Book: Revise Files 1-4. Page 50-51 (all we did not do in class)
Page 52, All the exercises on this page.
Intermediate Level:
Test: Download this test as a doc or pdf file. Complete this Answer Sheet. Use these audio files: 1, 2
Student's Book: Revise Files 1-4.
Page 66-67 (all we did not do in class + retell the text on page 67)
Home Task of 21.12.10
This home task is for the students who were absent in class on December 21. The students who were present that day should make only the exercises which we did not do in class.
Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:
Student's Book: Page 46-47, 1 Reading&Listening (c). Use this audio file: 4.10
Page 47, 2 Grammar (a, c)
4 Pronunciation (a, b). Use this audio file: 4.11
5 Speaking (a). If you usually sit on my right you are a B student, go to page 110. If you are on my left in class you are a B student, go to page 114.
Page 48. All the exercises. Use these audio files: 4.12, 4.13, 4.14, 4.15, 4.16
Page 49. Writing (a, b, c) and Description of the place where you live.
Workbook: You are supposed to make all the exercises till Page 39
MultiROM: Watch Video 4 of your MultiROM attached to your Workbook. Make the other exercises of File 4.
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book:
Page 62, 5 Reading (a, b, c, d, e). Retell the text.
Page 63, How words works (1, 2)
Page 64, Make all the exercises. Use these audio files: 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
Page 65, Writing and the Description of your house (real or imaginary).
Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy: Unit 38: Read the rules and complete all the exercises. Unit 39: Read the rules, print and bring to classes.
Workbook: You are supposed to make all the exercises till Page 41.
MultiROM: Watch Video 4. Make the exercises of File 4.
Home Task of 16.12.10
Pre-Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 46, 1 Reading&Listening (a, b), Retell the text.
Page 47, 3 Vocabulary (a, b, c)
Workbook: You are supposed to make all the exercises till Page 36
Essential Grammar by Murphy (please, to get a soft copy of this manual): Pages 180-181, Unit 86. Print, read the rules and fulfill the exercises: 86,1, 86.2, 86.3, 86.4.
Worksheet: Complete the tasks of the Grammar Worksheet you received in class. Page 153.
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 56-57, 1 Grammar (a, b, c)
Page 60-61, 1 Vocabulary&Speaking (a); 2 Grammar (a, b, c, d, e). Retell the text; 3 Listening (a, b, c, d) Use these audio files: 4.11
Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy: Unit 38: Read the rules and complete all the exercises. Unit 39: Read the rules, print and bring to classes.
Worksheet: Complete the tasks of the Song Worksheet you received in class. Use these audio file: 4.10
Workbook: You are supposed to make all the exercises till Page 39.
Home Task of 14.12.10
Pre-Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 44-45, 3 Reading&Vocabulary (a,b,c), Retell the text.
Workbook: You are supposed to make all the exercises till Page 34
Worksheet: Complete the tasks of the Worksheet you received in class. Pages 152 and 196.
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 58-59, 3 Vocabulary (a-c), 5 Reading (a-d)
Worksheet: Complete the tasks of the Worksheet you received in class. Pages 152 and 183
Workbook: You are supposed to make all the exercises till Page 39.
Home Task of 09.12.10
Pre-Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 43, 4 Reading (a-f), Retell the text. Audio file 4.7
Page 42, 1 Vocabulary
Workbook: You are supposed to make all the exercises till Page 32
Test: Here
Worksheet: Complete the tasks of the Worksheet you received in class.
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 52, All the exercises on this page
Page 55, 6 Speaking (all) + Write an essay on one topic
Test: Here
Worksheet: Complete the tasks of the Worksheet you received in class.
Home Task of 02.12.10
Pre-Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 37, Complete the tasks. The Writing task is to be handed in.
Page 39, Complete the tasks using these audio files . Prepare the retelling of the text
Workbook: You are supposed to make all the exercises till Page 27
Test: Use the AnswerSheet and these audio files: 1 2 to complete the Test
Worksheet: Complete the tasks of the Worksheet you received in class.
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 47, 6 Reading (a, b, d, e)
Page 48, Complete the tasks using these audio files.
Page 49, The Writing task is to be handed in.
MultiRom: Watch Videos 1-3 of Practical English Part.
Workbook: You are supposed to make all the exercises till Page 33.
Test: Use the AnswerSheet and these audio files: 1 2 to complete the Test
Home Task of 30.11.10
Pre-Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 33, 3 Grammar (d)
Page 34, 1 Reading&Listening (a-d) using this audio file
Workbook: Pages 26-27
Test: Use the AnswerSheet to complete the Test
Worksheet: Complete the tasks of the Worksheet you received in class.*
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 43, 5 Listening (e, d) + Write an essay on 5 (e) + You will need this audio file
Page 44, 1 Grammar (a, b, c) + Retelling
Grammar in Use by Murphy: Units 26, 28-31
Worksheet: Complete the tasks of the Worksheet you received in class.*
* - If you didn't, PLEASE, contact me. Your last absence is "non excusat".
Home Task of 25.11.10
Pre-Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page31, 4 Listening (a-e) using , 5 Speaking (а)
Page 32, 1 Reading (a-c)
Page 33, 4 Vocabulary (a, b)
Page 30, 1 Grammar (f)
Workbook: Pages 22-23
Test: Complete this Test (Pages 1-3) and fill in the Answer Sheet
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 39, 6 Speaking - Write an essay on the topic
Page 40, 1 Reading (a-e)
Page 41, How Words Work - Complete the task
Page 42, 4 Grammar (a-c)
Workbook: Pages 24-26
Test: Complete this Test (Pages 1-3) and fill in the Answer Sheet
Home Task of 23.11.10
Pre-Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 28, 1 Reading (a), 2 Grammar (c);
Page 29, 4 Vocabulary (a, b), 6 Speaking - 'Where are you going on holiday?' Write and hand in an essay
Page 30, 2 Vocabulary (a)
Intermediate Level:
Student's Book: Page 37, 2 Grammar (c, d), 3 Pronunciation&Speaking (b, c)
Page 38, 4 Reading (a, b, c) + RTS Task (Retell the story)
Grammar in Use by Murphy: Unit 31 - Read the rules and make the exercises
Worksheets (you received in class*):
3A Communicative Are they true? - Read and find four false customs.
3B Grammar must, may, might, can't - Complete the tasks or get ready to ask questions if you are not able to understand how to make some exercise.
* - Please, feel free to contact me if you didn't.
Home Task of 18.11.10
Pre-Intermediate Level:
Workbook: You are supposed to fulfil all the tasks till page 21
Test: Fulfil the test which you received in class. If you missed last classes, feel free to contact me by e-mail to get your copy of this test.
Student's Book: Page 27, Listening 2.21, 2.22 (audio files) and related tasks
Page 28, Exercise 1 (a, b, c)
Extra Reading/Listening Task: go to the Informal Invitations message
Intermediate Level:
Workbook: You are supposed to fulfil all the tasks till page 21
Student's Book: Page 32 'Requests' Topic (a, b, c, d, e)
'Office Gossip' Topic (a, b, c, d) You will need some of these audio files.
Page 35 Read the text and complete the related tasks
Extra Reading/Listening Task: go to the Requests and Permission message
Home Task of 16.11.10
Pre-Intermediate Level: Workbook: Page 21
Student's Book: LBH Task (Learn by Heart) Page 27, Article Exercise 'Can you?' Page 27 Writing Task: Page 25 Write about a photo
MultiROM: Video 1-3 and exercises
Intermediate Level: Workbook: Pages 20-21
Student's Book: Page 33 Exercise 6 (c) Page 30 Exercise 4 (b)
MultiRom: Dictation File 1 - print and bring to classes