Friday, May 6, 2011

Home Task of Pre-Intermediate Evening Group


Home Task of 28.04.11
Student's Book: Revise all the Files of the manual.
Workbook: Do all the exercises. Remember to bring it.

End-of-Course Home Test:
Use this audio file: End-of-Course Listening

Make the exercises of all the Files (click on Grammar, Vocabulary etc.) and check your knowledge of our Pre-Intermediate course.
File Tests and keys: If you would like to get ready for your exam you may pass the B file tests (you can choose and download them here)  and check yourself with the help of the keys (you can find them here).

Home Task of 19.04.11
Workbook: You are supposed to do all the exercises of your Workbook. Please, remember to bring it to classes.

Weblinks: 9A – Read and translate one story from Animal Tales or Strange Crime sections. Print it and bring to classes in order to discuss it with the other students.

8B – Do the health quiz. What advice does it give you? Print it and bring to classes:
8C – Do a short quiz to find out the best time to get up and go to bed. Write down your sleeping and waking hours.

7D – Inventions – Which do you think is the most interesting invention? Can you find it in this list?
If yes - print its description. If not - think why and tell us in class.

6B – Do the quiz – Would you survive? Read and translate the questions and answers. Print the quiz and bring it to classes (if it is possible). If not - write down the unknown words.

Home Task of 19.04.11
Workbook: You are supposed to do all the exercises of your Workbook.
Progress Test: Download the test. Complete this Answer Sheet.
Use these audio files: 1, 2

Student's Book: Page 15, Page 27, Page 39 "Can you say this in English"
Record your stories on 11 topics proposed and send it to my e-mail ( as audio files.
Worksheets: Complete the tasks:

Home Task of 14.04.11
Student's Book: Page102, 1 Speaking and Listening (a, b)
Page 103, 3 Vocabulary; 5 Speaking (a)
Workbook: You are supposed to complete all the exercises till Page 77.

Home Task of 12.04.11
Student's Book: Page100-101, 1 Speaking and Reading (b, c)
Page 101, 2 Grammar (c); 4 Vocabulary (a, b, c)
Worksheet: Complete the tasks of this Worksheet:

Home Task of 07.04.11
QuickTest: Download this test. Complete this Answer Sheet.
File Test: Download this File Test. Complete this Answer Sheet.
For listening use these audio files: File 8 Listening 1; File 8 Listening 2.
Remember to complete the writing task.

Home Task of 05.04.11

Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:

Next class begins at 16.30!!! - Следующее занятие начинается в 16:30

Student's Book: Page 98, Test
Page 99, "Can you understand the text?" (a, b) 

Home Task of 31.03.11

Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:

Next class begins at 16.30!!! - Следующее занятие начинается в 16:30

Student's Book: Page 95, Retell the Text.
Page 97 Writing. Complete the exercises and the writing task.
Page 98. All
MultiRom: Complete the exercises and watch the video of File 8
Extra Task: What is the English for "ничья" and "сыграть вничью"?
Home Task of 29.03.11

Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:

Next class begins at 16.30!!! - Следующее занятие начинается в 16:30

Student's Book: Page 93, 3 Reading (a, b) - Retell the text.
Page 95, Exercise 3 (a, b, c)
Song and the Worksheet task: 8.8

Home Task of 24.03.11

Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:

Student's Book: Pages 91, 4 Speaking (c)
Page 92, 1 Vocabulary (a, b, c, d)
Page 93, 3 Reading (a, b)

Tests (previous home task):
Download the QuickTest as a pdf or doc file. Complete the Answer Sheet.
Download the File 7 Test as a pdf or doc file. Complete the Answer Sheet.
Use these audio files: File 7 Listening 1File 7 Listening 2

Worksheets (+Worksheets of previous home task):

Home Task of 22.03.11

Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:

Student's Book: Pages 89, 5 Speaking.
Page 90, 1 Reading (a, b, c, d)
Page 91, 4 Speaking (a)

Tests (previous home task):
Download the QuickTest as a pdf or doc file. Complete the Answer Sheet.
Download the File 7 Test as a pdf or doc file. Complete the Answer Sheet.
Use these audio files: File 7 Listening 1File 7 Listening 2



Home Task of 17.03.11

Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:

Student's Book: Pages 89, 1 Reading (a, b).
Test (previous home task): Download the QuickTest as a pdf or doc file. Complete the Answer Sheet.
File Test: Download the File 7 Test as a pdf or doc file. Complete the Answer Sheet.
Use these audio files: File 7 Listening 1File 7 Listening 2

Home Task of 15.03.11

Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:

Student's Book: Pages 84-87, All we did not do including the writing description of a building in your town. Audio files you may need are here.
Test: Download the QuickTest as a pdf or doc file. Complete the Answer Sheet.

Home Task of 10.03.11

Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:

Student's Book: Pages 85-87, All we did not do. Audio files are here.
Workbook: All the exercises of File 7.
Previous Home Task (03.03.11): We'll check the Worksheet exercises. Please, bring them to classes.

Home Task of 03.03.11

Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:

Student's Book: Page 82, 2 Grammar (a, b, c);
Page 85, Complete all the exercises, write a description of a building.
Page 86, Complete the Test
Page 87, "Can You Understand This Text" (a, b, c)
Worksheets: Complete the tasks of these worksheets:

Home Task of 01.03.11

Pre-Intermediate Level Evening Group:

Student's Book: Page 81, 6 Speaking (a, b); 7 Song, Use this audio file  7.10 and the worksheet below.
Page 83, 3 Reading and Vocabulary(a).

Worksheets: Complete the tasks of these worksheets:

The Archive of previous home tasks is here.